Spnoed Conte TEEP YOUR COOL with everyone warting to be a part o charge the system by adng the comect type and amount of retrigerant about the final cool- a in temperature. of the proper specticationa for your Are you staying cool in your vehicle vehicle-ad vehicles ane atere in e a 'coor demeanor in Keeping your coof in heated timen wen he hot and humid ar to come amount they equire. They wi o ads Teated stuations when egures preparing tor in cocler tmes summer, not having properly tundion ye to the yatom. Once the system tempens or ofther nega lam reading a book caled Thyhma ing air condioning in your vehidie can a replenishes, he mechanic wi est e enotions Renear by Rebekan Lyons Sheahect your cooness tactor on all fronts he system lor proper tunction of the components and w nepect he endre os by taing ne to est, etore Evour venicle ar condsoning ant syitem with a special light and glanses How do you oep your madng my last artde Are you ao coor Thie phrase was heping others inthese areas norder So coot Wien al cohed to speak of keep ohels them do Me better ing cam and composed ay fare encourages readers to develop good e co h working we orat al, there are some norder detect poste le Her advice la retreshing and aly houid take to he probilom as soon hee are ary parta of the syste not omething we al can leam fom in an possible - not only or your comlort nctoning properk hose components Hasia been more dticut to you over order lo he e beter, konp our coor also so the issue Qenbecome will need lo be replaced everything e nworking order a keak may te detect common ouses and actions you hoep your coor he past le monhe as we hae epe he heated parta of e and be in enced unpreceented tesw entonal abou berga aeret of morepenaive inhe uture. many emotiona? Do you leel more on cool - embracing our authentic set and Most vohicles have the same basic ae ed upon this inital asesment edge with more negative Emotionet ping our purpese wih passion to components compressor, condenser However, he leakD a at they be who we are uniquely called to be and evporator. etrigerant moves may nol be detectable nght ay in trough these parts as wel ogh this cae, he mechanc will recom Iwonder if you have paused to consid erhow eyg has afected you and Certainly we might not hae he Ines and hosen that connect every mend driving ora couple of weeks ba liqui et and embrace who we uniquely arn, ke our nonce the hep catoryounet onagular op toreman Der prehere abin of your vehicle aso contins yo has eaked enough to be discov ba so hat during the heaede de and demeanor being truet you are more mentally eped to deal wth hem? Are you geting enough , eting wet and dising? Are you being more caretul of a you we pungn your mind aler knd f cool tecomes cor o vhicle is not blowing cold u coot-e o contane ricates ecial o that ubricates and oocseed ae part Wen so many componente olved any number of thinge can go who not only han a cool bie but cool who he autherticaly hen thats he eal ind of cool People who ae ong e s ct oher people who know hemselves and don'tput on e And your ae teelng colagin you might junt want to nde the summer out without a eched However, he reng eant has other bs besides keeping The frst order of nes when your cold antused to be ito bing itin br e ontiues wear coud cause ao etheunctionality of e ay become comove and case more loaks. This vicious ycle is not coor as t ood caune you more tme and S AN Ww V compressor to enaune in money in the e checs out we he net step is an ale My best adce where cociness i wth a special machine and meanure your coorin heated moments 2 he amountremoves Your vehicle's eep your coor by embracing your a ao system cosed yem mean ere set with cordence and puro ing the retigeratamount contained your unique purposesihe cool inhe system hould be heamout estkind ot person your a ecommended by he manutactrer koeping you cook gea pertormance he tystem ilo, ndetes a leak t as on as poubletep your coor tor emperure and pocketbook The mechanic wa then e or e NOW HIRING! WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR ONE COOL AUTO TECHNICIAN! WE OFFER: GREAT BENEFITS IN MANY AREAS GREAT TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT GREAT TEAM, CULTURE & POSITIVITY If you would like to be part of our great caring team or know someone looking for a great career, contact us today! WE CARE FOR PEOPLE AND FIX CARS 507.226.8330 BABCOCK AUTO CARE www.BabcockAutoCare.com WECARI FOR PEOPLE ANDEIXCARS Visit our website for great May savings: BabcockAutoCare.com/coupons Spnoed Conte TEEP YOUR COOL with everyone warting to be a part o charge the system by adng the comect type and amount of retrigerant about the final cool- a in temperature. of the proper specticationa for your Are you staying cool in your vehicle vehicle-ad vehicles ane atere in e a 'coor demeanor in Keeping your coof in heated timen wen he hot and humid ar to come amount they equire. They wi o ads Teated stuations when egures preparing tor in cocler tmes summer, not having properly tundion ye to the yatom. Once the system tempens or ofther nega lam reading a book caled Thyhma ing air condioning in your vehidie can a replenishes, he mechanic wi est e enotions Renear by Rebekan Lyons Sheahect your cooness tactor on all fronts he system lor proper tunction of the components and w nepect he endre os by taing ne to est, etore Evour venicle ar condsoning ant syitem with a special light and glanses How do you oep your madng my last artde Are you ao coor Thie phrase was heping others inthese areas norder So coot Wien al cohed to speak of keep ohels them do Me better ing cam and composed ay fare encourages readers to develop good e co h working we orat al, there are some norder detect poste le Her advice la retreshing and aly houid take to he probilom as soon hee are ary parta of the syste not omething we al can leam fom in an possible - not only or your comlort nctoning properk hose components Hasia been more dticut to you over order lo he e beter, konp our coor also so the issue Qenbecome will need lo be replaced everything e nworking order a keak may te detect common ouses and actions you hoep your coor he past le monhe as we hae epe he heated parta of e and be in enced unpreceented tesw entonal abou berga aeret of morepenaive inhe uture. many emotiona? Do you leel more on cool - embracing our authentic set and Most vohicles have the same basic ae ed upon this inital asesment edge with more negative Emotionet ping our purpese wih passion to components compressor, condenser However, he leakD a at they be who we are uniquely called to be and evporator. etrigerant moves may nol be detectable nght ay in trough these parts as wel ogh this cae, he mechanc will recom Iwonder if you have paused to consid erhow eyg has afected you and Certainly we might not hae he Ines and hosen that connect every mend driving ora couple of weeks ba liqui et and embrace who we uniquely arn, ke our nonce the hep catoryounet onagular op toreman Der prehere abin of your vehicle aso contins yo has eaked enough to be discov ba so hat during the heaede de and demeanor being truet you are more mentally eped to deal wth hem? Are you geting enough , eting wet and dising? Are you being more caretul of a you we pungn your mind aler knd f cool tecomes cor o vhicle is not blowing cold u coot-e o contane ricates ecial o that ubricates and oocseed ae part Wen so many componente olved any number of thinge can go who not only han a cool bie but cool who he autherticaly hen thats he eal ind of cool People who ae ong e s ct oher people who know hemselves and don'tput on e And your ae teelng colagin you might junt want to nde the summer out without a eched However, he reng eant has other bs besides keeping The frst order of nes when your cold antused to be ito bing itin br e ontiues wear coud cause ao etheunctionality of e ay become comove and case more loaks. This vicious ycle is not coor as t ood caune you more tme and S AN Ww V compressor to enaune in money in the e checs out we he net step is an ale My best adce where cociness i wth a special machine and meanure your coorin heated moments 2 he amountremoves Your vehicle's eep your coor by embracing your a ao system cosed yem mean ere set with cordence and puro ing the retigeratamount contained your unique purposesihe cool inhe system hould be heamout estkind ot person your a ecommended by he manutactrer koeping you cook gea pertormance he tystem ilo, ndetes a leak t as on as poubletep your coor tor emperure and pocketbook The mechanic wa then e or e NOW HIRING! WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR ONE COOL AUTO TECHNICIAN! WE OFFER: GREAT BENEFITS IN MANY AREAS GREAT TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT GREAT TEAM, CULTURE & POSITIVITY If you would like to be part of our great caring team or know someone looking for a great career, contact us today! WE CARE FOR PEOPLE AND FIX CARS 507.226.8330 BABCOCK AUTO CARE www.BabcockAutoCare.com WECARI FOR PEOPLE ANDEIXCARS Visit our website for great May savings: BabcockAutoCare.com/coupons