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  • Published Date

    June 5, 2020
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FULL LENNOX' WAREHOUSES ARE CREATING HISTORIC Savings. CALL K&S FOR COMPLETE DETAILS! New from KES.. When you purchase a Lennox® Ultimate Comfort System H Hibersense SAVE BIG $2,450 Say good-bye to HOT and COLD rooms forever! WITH REBATES up to Smart zoning solutions for residential and light commercial buildings. AND ENJOY NO PAYMENTS FOR THE FIRST 6 MONTHS when you finance a new Lennox' system In most installs, NO wiring required. for as little as $132/month" multi-zone duct system that does not NO MESS.. NO drilling. NO sawing. AFFORDABLE. The first EVER require any duct work alterations. Hiberserse will work with any existing duct system SAVING YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! BBB VIRTUAL NO-VISIT ESTIMATES AVAILABLE! LENNOX KS & HEATING AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 4205 Hwy 14 W Rochester 507.282.4328 "Retate requies purchase of qualfying tens betveen May 4, 2020 to ure 12 2020. Qualifying tens must te nstaled by June 19, 2000. Rebate dains (with proof of purchesel nust be subnitted (wth proof cf puictase) to www.lemoxconsumenebetes.con no brer than July 3, 2020. Rebate is paid in the form of a Lenox Yisa Preçaid card. Card is subject to terrs and conditions found or referenced on ard andepres 12 nontis afar issuance. Conditions apaly See www.lemox.conterms-and-ordiions for omplete tarns and condtions. "Cfer avelable May 4, 2020 to June 12, 2020. Offer based on a retail pice of $10,000. Requies puchase of qualitying system. Finanaing avalable 20 well-qualified buyes on approed redit. No down saymert required. No montly paynent required and no imeres is accved duirg the 6 montt, no interes, no pay periad. Alter the no payment period, the loan is rciled nto 3.99% APR for 120 months with equal morthy payments of $13 a month. Noral late charges axpy. Financing can combine with any eligble retate. Mininum loan anourt $3,000. Maánum kar amount $100,000 You may prepay yar acount at ary ime wihout perelty. Firancing is subject to ceditregurenerts and satisfactory completon of finaxce coounents Any frence tems advertised xre stimates only. See tuch in lending dscosurs available trom lender for move infornaion. FULL LENNOX' WAREHOUSES ARE CREATING HISTORIC Savings. CALL K&S FOR COMPLETE DETAILS! New from KES.. When you purchase a Lennox® Ultimate Comfort System H Hibersense SAVE BIG $2,450 Say good-bye to HOT and COLD rooms forever! WITH REBATES up to Smart zoning solutions for residential and light commercial buildings. AND ENJOY NO PAYMENTS FOR THE FIRST 6 MONTHS when you finance a new Lennox' system In most installs, NO wiring required. for as little as $132/month" multi-zone duct system that does not NO MESS.. NO drilling. NO sawing. AFFORDABLE. The first EVER require any duct work alterations. Hiberserse will work with any existing duct system SAVING YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! BBB VIRTUAL NO-VISIT ESTIMATES AVAILABLE! LENNOX KS & HEATING AIR CONDITIONING PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 4205 Hwy 14 W Rochester 507.282.4328 "Retate requies purchase of qualfying tens betveen May 4, 2020 to ure 12 2020. Qualifying tens must te nstaled by June 19, 2000. Rebate dains (with proof of purchesel nust be subnitted (wth proof cf puictase) to www.lemoxconsumenebetes.con no brer than July 3, 2020. Rebate is paid in the form of a Lenox Yisa Preçaid card. Card is subject to terrs and conditions found or referenced on ard andepres 12 nontis afar issuance. Conditions apaly See www.lemox.conterms-and-ordiions for omplete tarns and condtions. "Cfer avelable May 4, 2020 to June 12, 2020. Offer based on a retail pice of $10,000. Requies puchase of qualitying system. Finanaing avalable 20 well-qualified buyes on approed redit. No down saymert required. No montly paynent required and no imeres is accved duirg the 6 montt, no interes, no pay periad. Alter the no payment period, the loan is rciled nto 3.99% APR for 120 months with equal morthy payments of $13 a month. Noral late charges axpy. Financing can combine with any eligble retate. Mininum loan anourt $3,000. Maánum kar amount $100,000 You may prepay yar acount at ary ime wihout perelty. Firancing is subject to ceditregurenerts and satisfactory completon of finaxce coounents Any frence tems advertised xre stimates only. See tuch in lending dscosurs available trom lender for move infornaion.