OD riversideconcerts.com RIVERSIDE think IN ASSOCIATION WITH BANK PRESENTS Car Park 00000000 9ONGORTS KARATE CHOP, KROC SILENCE GENERAL B & THE WIZ the 106.9 current UNDER THE 975- PAVILION HAIR OF THE DOG Laser 101.7 Real Classic Rock GOOD MORNING cürrent BEDLAM DEAD HORSES the current DEBBIE ANTHONY A PARKING LOT DQUICK COUNTRY 96.5 125 LIVE * FREE - WED NIGHTS - 7PM BY RESERVATION ONLY CALL 507-328-2200 ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EACH SHOW LIVE MUSIC FROM THE SAFETY OF YOUR CAR! All seven events will be live streamed on Riveiside Concerts" Facebook & YouTube poges. Safety Guidelines: 1) Do not arrive at the concert area any earlier than 30-minutes prior to the start time (any cars waiting to gain access will be asked to leave and come back) 2) Only vehicles displaying a valid reservation will be admitted to the event. 3) Each household should be in a separate car. 4) Carpooling does not comply with social distancing guidelines. 5) People with COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.) should not attend. 6) Attendees should remain in their cars. 7) No reserved spots. Parking attendants will direct your vehicle to an available space. 8) Cars will be parked with one empty space between them to maintain a minimum safe distance of 6 feet. 9) There should be no passing of objects or physical contact between vehicles. 10) Bathrooms facilities will not be provided for the public. 11) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted OD riversideconcerts.com RIVERSIDE think IN ASSOCIATION WITH BANK PRESENTS Car Park 00000000 9ONGORTS KARATE CHOP, KROC SILENCE GENERAL B & THE WIZ the 106.9 current UNDER THE 975- PAVILION HAIR OF THE DOG Laser 101.7 Real Classic Rock GOOD MORNING cürrent BEDLAM DEAD HORSES the current DEBBIE ANTHONY A PARKING LOT DQUICK COUNTRY 96.5 125 LIVE * FREE - WED NIGHTS - 7PM BY RESERVATION ONLY CALL 507-328-2200 ONE WEEK PRIOR TO EACH SHOW LIVE MUSIC FROM THE SAFETY OF YOUR CAR! All seven events will be live streamed on Riveiside Concerts" Facebook & YouTube poges. Safety Guidelines: 1) Do not arrive at the concert area any earlier than 30-minutes prior to the start time (any cars waiting to gain access will be asked to leave and come back) 2) Only vehicles displaying a valid reservation will be admitted to the event. 3) Each household should be in a separate car. 4) Carpooling does not comply with social distancing guidelines. 5) People with COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.) should not attend. 6) Attendees should remain in their cars. 7) No reserved spots. Parking attendants will direct your vehicle to an available space. 8) Cars will be parked with one empty space between them to maintain a minimum safe distance of 6 feet. 9) There should be no passing of objects or physical contact between vehicles. 10) Bathrooms facilities will not be provided for the public. 11) Alcoholic beverages are not permitted