Spened Centent YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK How is the condtion cortession and humity might alow you heaviness in buk? Or do you know the as he emblem of the United States of your heart hese o be neal with yoursel. Mabe tor you tagily of your mied, know how quky of Aenerica because of s long . days? in not taking s notin spouse bashing and meannesa tcan become blackened, and have you great strengh and majestic ooks about your physical bt in oher armas-how you've acted chosen to put etra goodness in at such preserts toedom. is an amazing crature tat brings about awe as you behold s gatress I dont beleve twe What about a derert part ol your heat ook at our nation right now that any one There is also the generality of our heart and mind. have your lears and womies dun wouldcalt reat. There is so mudh Jeana Babcock your mnd and sou eoage In oeneral are vou a inoesed Are you more concemed ed so much dvsion, and so much heart-but about Dard and spoken 1o your chiden, a tfime as tis? your paychological paents, tends, or even strangers emotional heart- a Oer te yas I Negative Nelly or Nathan Or are you a about your Mue and the re of hone neoutvity. But what the eagle was the have leamed that what we put into our Positve Peggy or Pete Doyou complain youlove ike never belore? When you are eyto bnging about greatness againt minds aftects the way we hirk The way gumble and gossip continualy Or overateimed with he heaviness, where we think aflects the way we feel in our do you upit encourage, and spread do you tu Where does your hope Let me bring my poirt a dimas- again not with my words but with greater words tom my taorte good book-the hearts. The way we toel affects the way goodness? come tom we tak and how we act. Therelore the Deoendiog on which way you lean, Frends I come to you today outde Bele saah 4131 says. But hose who way we lak and act comes drecty omt e can tace t back to not only your of mny nomal morthly auto artce hope in the Lord will renew their strengh. gowing ve yeas and ciroumstanoes in with a desire to share my heart with They wil soar on wings le eagles, they Typicaly, I am prty good at vealing your ie along the way but also to what you-t such a me as h The willrun and not grow weary they will wk our hearts what I mean trough witen words you are putting in your mind now. We unending pressures. heaviness. andand not be tairt However, at this moment. I feel there is cannot change our past We cannot unprecedented embleness hat have no beter way o shareny port then to change what has been done to un or ouched each of our ves these past tew laskahird ime: whie does you hope refer to previously wen words-tom even mistakes we've made that have months have been incredble-or evey come trom? tdoes not yet come hom scripture. There are many that speak to brought us to his poirt. But we can begin single person. W have been bombarded he Lord, might you pio tis opton where i am going-ke Marren 1234 anew way, powered by how we choose wihecessive evi, problems, conspiracy with me? You would net hae to cary the hat saya For outd he abundance oft to spend our Sme and what we put into heorien. and political junk Weve heaviness of your otat cstimtinoen operienced aotercoaster of emotione your ownne Loidn ry them nd Hel also nnew your stengh He w your heart with Hs goodhess. That ton all sources (meda, books, music What seems to be missing is hope. l goodness could hen overfow into the words hom poste peoplel, you wil ask again, where does your hope come hes of others Yoo cold nun te spread he heart the moup Brpehaps our minds the best sorpture hat d deer poirt is Luke A good bringi good tiengs out of the good hat you put good things into your med wth tear being prominert in so much is stordupn his heart and an evi man ed ta ou wil t good poughts on Me hope comes ton the Lord Hs Good Word s Eagie Brook does- bings ehing in his heart hebeart is tut or 0 Adversely, t you put bad hingsnto your came hom many oher inge over the aching people for Christ so that more mind, you will d yoursef thinking bad soan ofy e but alwys alays. hose people have this great hope. You could 1you are curious, a you be confidet of where you will go when Whether you belevein God or not, here Givetaty I dare you-I double dare ae open to a new way, you have you leve this earth-he same place smuchhinthis stumentyou sop youl For ono eek, tae out negalvity hole in your heart that yeams for hope afmy eagle-loving dad went. And even more-maybe jut maybe, a al of our the mouth speaks what or negative thoughts Dont beleve me? hopes fel Indluding mada and soens Fa he encourage youtsek the Lord gap wh goodne00-good books, good to ly ponder In the eaty yoars of my mariag and piting people 1 gay Okay b to you ng onder heas startb oertow with goodhess beginnings of onnyhood, I sper a grest del of time wea tend in he same stage of e as ne Ohen your heart and mind but alson your our group grew as she invted several of her neighbohood triends to join us Now what t some of your close Spirtaly we were not of the same mind tonshics ae contrbuting negatively My oad bed ges-te nad a hal rk back a moment to why this bird but with our conmonaltes on oher to your heart Wel you can begin by but gorous coection. Every single time torts, I enjoyed our tme togethera being a ight of goodres torem You an ly enough b spd an eage country-or ts long ite, great strongh. eat a he beginning you w hoce a deenceet ony Where you startt WhtFid vou ur hation mght get on track to obtain en an eage How he geathess of which it is undoutedy capable ol gry is than Here's the reasoning fom my heart atonship I am conident he ston o greaness is in the eagle. Fort we was chosen to be the enbien of our can yourset wth good so n you Immedately tink of my dad As we maestc looks, and teedom, we woukd can eude postivity, upiing houhe proach Fahers Dly hi yr, o see he paralel between the eage and encouragement You can also pray heart is exta heayis he frst one l and he geat hope we have in Jesus *tor them Buke my iends, there are wil have without ny lather on earth since we beleve in Hm, we wi hae long at some people you cannot deter tom he pansed anay the day aner Faners e-te longest-etemity in Heaven As days, weeks, and monto wore on found that she and the ohers who joined Houldeventualy tumourtime togeher into a hustandbashing session I would Isten, empathn andtryto ofer words of egnity andE nay be Ime to say y yor Nrewng dad khew Jesu Wewi have geat strenoh-becaute help and encouragemert. Butit seemed my inout e on deal ears and was highty i canot speak te how my ends with goodness as iremember my dad wi hae majeste looks-or a e ved unwelcome. So I became quieter over negatvty aflected their mariage back Ime and then suprisingly I kound myset hen or he ue of ther manages. Bu Here's ancther eage moment aend nJesus, yelds a majestic beauty e no staring to join in on he bashing. As time I wertue say he husband bashing Eagle rook Church The logo is an eage her And fraly, wewi have freedom progressed, my heart arted to become was not good for L ao ke to say soaring over the wter. Eagle Brooks an wve never belore experienced- backened with negativity toward my tal because llet and began choosing to inoedble church with a passion to each teedom hom or n We wil de husband and I began foousing on all that my mind wth beter things and better people for Chriat Eage Brook has an sell and stive to be lke Cvist, alowing he was doing wrong Ihave gret hope that wi see him agan anor weress hat Cist wil camy one day. Unl then te eage wil me te load and us with His stength. We goodye asi dd tends, my marage was and s somuch etensive onine tollowing as wel as nine Hm lo us with goodness so that our beter lor The same holds true tor other campuses-eght in the tein otes area teas would overfow with goodness to wrted b leel e ws part d beationships in my leas imy mind and the neth opened here in Rochester veryone who ooses our pah here on group-complaining about my husband made me feel welcomed and even nd heat wth goodness, t overtows to in October of last year-on what wou earh mportart But at he same tme, my heart felt heavy. I was puting husband Just as itis said you are what you ear.I have been my dads 66m birhday to be a man or woman that brings about Coincidence? Maybe. But there is more good fom the overfow of our hearts, we cthers negavty into my ind As became amconfident in saying "you ae what you Our nation is in the midet of a get must frstMour hearts with good-what overioaded with he constant junk tink. No mater where we stand on the criss The heaviness is encugh to orush wch and isten o who we spend aflected te way I et oward my igous continum. ta concept holds o spits and tear us apart-and has ne wih every sngle thing we put in our aady to a degee. The negativty thatnds Eyou need a good place to start we hear from every drection has he Tnvte youto join me in soaking in the husband Utimatelyit aftected the way e I rated him-boh n word and deed What are you and hose you love puting Ispoke and aced from what wasin yourmind Hasthanged overthe ntal to blacken our hearts and have poodness trom Eagle Brook Church this he overfow be a catastrophe of evi. But weekend or check out past messages past months as he wold has changedt ten we can ementer, or natonal orline. Pehaps tis agle wi be the one that s you with hope as you begin your joumey of long e. groat strengh toic heart because of what i was ing twith Are you spending more sme han ever bird-te bald eagel lam ashamed and enbarassed to adnt on your phone or other devices? Are you these uta to you B perhaps my latoning to news and media and al of the The bald eage was chosen in 2 majestic looia, and hoedom Join us online! Sunday, June 21st at 9am & 11am EAGLE BROOK CHURCH Spened Centent YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK How is the condtion cortession and humity might alow you heaviness in buk? Or do you know the as he emblem of the United States of your heart hese o be neal with yoursel. Mabe tor you tagily of your mied, know how quky of Aenerica because of s long . days? in not taking s notin spouse bashing and meannesa tcan become blackened, and have you great strengh and majestic ooks about your physical bt in oher armas-how you've acted chosen to put etra goodness in at such preserts toedom. is an amazing crature tat brings about awe as you behold s gatress I dont beleve twe What about a derert part ol your heat ook at our nation right now that any one There is also the generality of our heart and mind. have your lears and womies dun wouldcalt reat. There is so mudh Jeana Babcock your mnd and sou eoage In oeneral are vou a inoesed Are you more concemed ed so much dvsion, and so much heart-but about Dard and spoken 1o your chiden, a tfime as tis? your paychological paents, tends, or even strangers emotional heart- a Oer te yas I Negative Nelly or Nathan Or are you a about your Mue and the re of hone neoutvity. But what the eagle was the have leamed that what we put into our Positve Peggy or Pete Doyou complain youlove ike never belore? When you are eyto bnging about greatness againt minds aftects the way we hirk The way gumble and gossip continualy Or overateimed with he heaviness, where we think aflects the way we feel in our do you upit encourage, and spread do you tu Where does your hope Let me bring my poirt a dimas- again not with my words but with greater words tom my taorte good book-the hearts. The way we toel affects the way goodness? come tom we tak and how we act. Therelore the Deoendiog on which way you lean, Frends I come to you today outde Bele saah 4131 says. But hose who way we lak and act comes drecty omt e can tace t back to not only your of mny nomal morthly auto artce hope in the Lord will renew their strengh. gowing ve yeas and ciroumstanoes in with a desire to share my heart with They wil soar on wings le eagles, they Typicaly, I am prty good at vealing your ie along the way but also to what you-t such a me as h The willrun and not grow weary they will wk our hearts what I mean trough witen words you are putting in your mind now. We unending pressures. heaviness. andand not be tairt However, at this moment. I feel there is cannot change our past We cannot unprecedented embleness hat have no beter way o shareny port then to change what has been done to un or ouched each of our ves these past tew laskahird ime: whie does you hope refer to previously wen words-tom even mistakes we've made that have months have been incredble-or evey come trom? tdoes not yet come hom scripture. There are many that speak to brought us to his poirt. But we can begin single person. W have been bombarded he Lord, might you pio tis opton where i am going-ke Marren 1234 anew way, powered by how we choose wihecessive evi, problems, conspiracy with me? You would net hae to cary the hat saya For outd he abundance oft to spend our Sme and what we put into heorien. and political junk Weve heaviness of your otat cstimtinoen operienced aotercoaster of emotione your ownne Loidn ry them nd Hel also nnew your stengh He w your heart with Hs goodhess. That ton all sources (meda, books, music What seems to be missing is hope. l goodness could hen overfow into the words hom poste peoplel, you wil ask again, where does your hope come hes of others Yoo cold nun te spread he heart the moup Brpehaps our minds the best sorpture hat d deer poirt is Luke A good bringi good tiengs out of the good hat you put good things into your med wth tear being prominert in so much is stordupn his heart and an evi man ed ta ou wil t good poughts on Me hope comes ton the Lord Hs Good Word s Eagie Brook does- bings ehing in his heart hebeart is tut or 0 Adversely, t you put bad hingsnto your came hom many oher inge over the aching people for Christ so that more mind, you will d yoursef thinking bad soan ofy e but alwys alays. hose people have this great hope. You could 1you are curious, a you be confidet of where you will go when Whether you belevein God or not, here Givetaty I dare you-I double dare ae open to a new way, you have you leve this earth-he same place smuchhinthis stumentyou sop youl For ono eek, tae out negalvity hole in your heart that yeams for hope afmy eagle-loving dad went. And even more-maybe jut maybe, a al of our the mouth speaks what or negative thoughts Dont beleve me? hopes fel Indluding mada and soens Fa he encourage youtsek the Lord gap wh goodne00-good books, good to ly ponder In the eaty yoars of my mariag and piting people 1 gay Okay b to you ng onder heas startb oertow with goodhess beginnings of onnyhood, I sper a grest del of time wea tend in he same stage of e as ne Ohen your heart and mind but alson your our group grew as she invted several of her neighbohood triends to join us Now what t some of your close Spirtaly we were not of the same mind tonshics ae contrbuting negatively My oad bed ges-te nad a hal rk back a moment to why this bird but with our conmonaltes on oher to your heart Wel you can begin by but gorous coection. Every single time torts, I enjoyed our tme togethera being a ight of goodres torem You an ly enough b spd an eage country-or ts long ite, great strongh. eat a he beginning you w hoce a deenceet ony Where you startt WhtFid vou ur hation mght get on track to obtain en an eage How he geathess of which it is undoutedy capable ol gry is than Here's the reasoning fom my heart atonship I am conident he ston o greaness is in the eagle. Fort we was chosen to be the enbien of our can yourset wth good so n you Immedately tink of my dad As we maestc looks, and teedom, we woukd can eude postivity, upiing houhe proach Fahers Dly hi yr, o see he paralel between the eage and encouragement You can also pray heart is exta heayis he frst one l and he geat hope we have in Jesus *tor them Buke my iends, there are wil have without ny lather on earth since we beleve in Hm, we wi hae long at some people you cannot deter tom he pansed anay the day aner Faners e-te longest-etemity in Heaven As days, weeks, and monto wore on found that she and the ohers who joined Houldeventualy tumourtime togeher into a hustandbashing session I would Isten, empathn andtryto ofer words of egnity andE nay be Ime to say y yor Nrewng dad khew Jesu Wewi have geat strenoh-becaute help and encouragemert. Butit seemed my inout e on deal ears and was highty i canot speak te how my ends with goodness as iremember my dad wi hae majeste looks-or a e ved unwelcome. So I became quieter over negatvty aflected their mariage back Ime and then suprisingly I kound myset hen or he ue of ther manages. Bu Here's ancther eage moment aend nJesus, yelds a majestic beauty e no staring to join in on he bashing. As time I wertue say he husband bashing Eagle rook Church The logo is an eage her And fraly, wewi have freedom progressed, my heart arted to become was not good for L ao ke to say soaring over the wter. Eagle Brooks an wve never belore experienced- backened with negativity toward my tal because llet and began choosing to inoedble church with a passion to each teedom hom or n We wil de husband and I began foousing on all that my mind wth beter things and better people for Chriat Eage Brook has an sell and stive to be lke Cvist, alowing he was doing wrong Ihave gret hope that wi see him agan anor weress hat Cist wil camy one day. Unl then te eage wil me te load and us with His stength. We goodye asi dd tends, my marage was and s somuch etensive onine tollowing as wel as nine Hm lo us with goodness so that our beter lor The same holds true tor other campuses-eght in the tein otes area teas would overfow with goodness to wrted b leel e ws part d beationships in my leas imy mind and the neth opened here in Rochester veryone who ooses our pah here on group-complaining about my husband made me feel welcomed and even nd heat wth goodness, t overtows to in October of last year-on what wou earh mportart But at he same tme, my heart felt heavy. I was puting husband Just as itis said you are what you ear.I have been my dads 66m birhday to be a man or woman that brings about Coincidence? Maybe. But there is more good fom the overfow of our hearts, we cthers negavty into my ind As became amconfident in saying "you ae what you Our nation is in the midet of a get must frstMour hearts with good-what overioaded with he constant junk tink. No mater where we stand on the criss The heaviness is encugh to orush wch and isten o who we spend aflected te way I et oward my igous continum. ta concept holds o spits and tear us apart-and has ne wih every sngle thing we put in our aady to a degee. The negativty thatnds Eyou need a good place to start we hear from every drection has he Tnvte youto join me in soaking in the husband Utimatelyit aftected the way e I rated him-boh n word and deed What are you and hose you love puting Ispoke and aced from what wasin yourmind Hasthanged overthe ntal to blacken our hearts and have poodness trom Eagle Brook Church this he overfow be a catastrophe of evi. But weekend or check out past messages past months as he wold has changedt ten we can ementer, or natonal orline. Pehaps tis agle wi be the one that s you with hope as you begin your joumey of long e. groat strengh toic heart because of what i was ing twith Are you spending more sme han ever bird-te bald eagel lam ashamed and enbarassed to adnt on your phone or other devices? Are you these uta to you B perhaps my latoning to news and media and al of the The bald eage was chosen in 2 majestic looia, and hoedom Join us online! Sunday, June 21st at 9am & 11am EAGLE BROOK CHURCH