Connecting People in Need with People who can Help. Setting People Free! In-DEED!
NCRC Mission Statement
For years we could tell people anecdotally what we do but not in the form of a mission statement, stated in ten words or less. Then about 7 years ago it dawned on us…we connect people in need with people who can help (BINGO! And nine words!!!) But God was not done with us…We connect/help people so that we can make an eternal difference…otherwise we come short of our calling…thus we help set people FREE
That got us to twelve words. God was not done with us yet. We were given one more word. IN-Deed or was it INDEED? Actually it was both. In-Deed refers to actions-not just words. INDEED means with an exclamation point – without question! We want to be people who constantly are moving from success to significance, making a generational difference that keeps making an eternal difference.